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Council News

Building School Community

Our Lady of Victory

Catholic Elementary School

Welcome Back BBQ

September 21st, 2022

The School Council of Our Lady of Victory school wanted to help build their school community after the disruptions of the last couple of years. What better way than sharing a meal together? Students, parents and faculty were treated to a Welcome Back BBQ by the Knights of Columbus. Over 250 meals were cooked and distributed raising over $2,500. Meals included a hamburger or hot dog, a choice of drink and a snack of a variety of chips. After expenses, funds raised at this BBQ will go towards funding school activities as determined by the school council as well as the charitable works of the Knights of Columbus. Young and old, everyone enjoyed their meals and their time together socializing and catching up with with each other. Even the weather made way for the event.

Special thanks go out to the School Council at OLV, school council member Mark and school Principal Michelle for inviting the Knights. Special thanks to Brother Knight Emil for managing the details, making the preparations and doing the running around. Thanks also go out to the volunteers who setup, cooked, distributed and cleaned up for the event: Brother Knights Daniel, Michael O, Kevin, Colin, Rob, Peter J, Dennis, Francois, and Andrew.

The Knights of Columbus are always ready and willing to serve our schools and our community.


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