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Council News

Shrove Tuesday Indulgence

Pancakes, Sausages, Potato Latkes and more, oh my!

Whether you call it Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, or Pancake Day, the first Tuesday before the start of Lent is marked by celebrations worldwide. Shrove Tuesday is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent – the 40 days leading up to Easter – was traditionally a time of fasting, making sacrifices and abstaining from what you desire the most. Shrove Tuesday was the last opportunity to remove tempting goods from the kitchen, like meat, eggs and milk before embarking on the Lenten fast and pancakes are the perfect way of using up these ingredients.

The Knights of Columbus Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper certainly included plenty of pancakes, sausages and even Daniel's World Famous Potato Latkes. Other treats included hot fruit pancake topping as well as maple syrup, fruit cups and even an ice cream dessert. The kitchen crew of Brother Knights along with the help from the CWL ensured that everyone who attended enjoyed the company as well as the meal. Donations collected will help fund the Knights of Columbus Scholarship Fund.


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